Anybody recognize this corner?

Anybody recognize this corner?  If it seems familiar it's because there are many of them spread throughout America in most cities.  Look closely at this place,  is this where you think you might want to bring your young child?  Maybe a place to bring a child to visit there father,  the one that stands out there for hours everyday.  Perhaps it's a harmless place you can buy a bag or grab a bottle before the club.  I mean over the years you could probably tell me the stories of who got shot or cut in front of here or near by.  This is over,  Blacks will no longer be subject to these conditions,  we are kings and queens and we have lost are ability to remember anything before slavery.  If you own a building such as this,  if your city allows such conditions without fixing the neighborhood to its former beauty,  then beware,  your time is limited.


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